Artificial Orange Burst Parrot Tulip 27"




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Red Green Real Touch Parrot Tulip 27"

Unleash your creativity and let our orange real touch parrot tulip be a radiant expression of your style and taste. Transform your spaces with the timeless allure of these captivating faux blooms, adding a burst of color to every moment.


This is Not a Real Flower
Height: 27 Inches
Stem only Height: 8 Inches
Max Bloom Diameter: 3 Inches
Bloom Height: 4 Inches
Weight: 0.11 lbs
Composition: 50% Polyester, 10% Plastic, 20% PVC, 20% Wire.
Real Touch

The real touch parrot tulip combines the brilliance of nature with the innovation of real touch technology. Revel in the beauty of vibrant orange petals elegantly adorned with lush green accents, creating a captivating display of colors that will enliven any space.

Each petal feels remarkably real to the touch, providing an authentic sensory experience that mimics the softness of genuine parrot tulips. The lifelike texture and subtle nuances ensure that this faux flower is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

Our artificial parrot tulip is the perfect addition to your floral arrangements or decor, bringing a touch of radiant charm to your home. Whether displayed alone as a focal point or paired with other blooms, this parrot tulip offers limitless possibilities for creating stunning floral compositions.

  • The long stem is designed to be folded whichever way you need it to go, and back again. It can easily be folded up on itself (and back) to more easily fit into your container, or trimmed entirely with a pair of wire cutters
  • Not designed for outdoor use
  • For details on how your products arrive - See here.
  • For cleaning and care - see here.

Unboxing with Prestige Botanicals

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  • For details of our shipping services by location, see here.
  • For our returns policy, please see here.

Unboxing with Prestige Botanicals

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This is Not a Real Flower
Height: 27 Inches
Stem only Height: 8 Inches
Max Bloom Diameter: 3 Inches
Bloom Height: 4 Inches
Weight: 0.11 lbs
Composition: 50% Polyester, 10% Plastic, 20% PVC, 20% Wire.
Real Touch
More about this Stem

The real touch parrot tulip combines the brilliance of nature with the innovation of real touch technology. Revel in the beauty of vibrant orange petals elegantly adorned with lush green accents, creating a captivating display of colors that will enliven any space.

Each petal feels remarkably real to the touch, providing an authentic sensory experience that mimics the softness of genuine parrot tulips. The lifelike texture and subtle nuances ensure that this faux flower is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

Our artificial parrot tulip is the perfect addition to your floral arrangements or decor, bringing a touch of radiant charm to your home. Whether displayed alone as a focal point or paired with other blooms, this parrot tulip offers limitless possibilities for creating stunning floral compositions.

Use & Care
  • The long stem is designed to be folded whichever way you need it to go, and back again. It can easily be folded up on itself (and back) to more easily fit into your container, or trimmed entirely with a pair of wire cutters
  • Not designed for outdoor use
  • For details on how your products arrive - See here.
  • For cleaning and care - see here.
Shipping & Return Policy
  • For details of our shipping services by location, see here.
  • For our returns policy, please see here.

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