Artificial Magnolia Garland 60"




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Magnolia Leaf Garland 60"

Indulge in the beauty of our magnolia leaf garland, where premium quality meets botanical perfection. Transform any occasion into an enchanting experience with the world-class beauty of our faux magnolia garland.


This is Not a Real Plant
Height: 60 Inches
Weight: 0.88 lbs
Composition: 60% EVA, 20% PVC, 20% Wire.
Real Touch

This lifelike artificial magnolia leaf garland showcases the lush green leaves with realistic textures, creating a captivating display that exudes elegance and class.

Each magnolia leaf closely replicates the natural beauty of real magnolias, making this garland a great addition to any space. The rich green hues of the leaves creates a refreshing ambiance, infusing your surroundings with a touch of nature's grace.

Versatile and eye-catching, our faux magnolia leaf garland complements various decor styles, from farmhouse and rustic to modern and chic. Whether draped along a mantelpiece, embellishing a tablescape, or adorning a wedding arch, this garland's charm truly elevates any setting.

Our artificial magnolia leaf garland requires no maintenance, and is easy to wipe clean, allowing you to enjoy its everlasting allure with minimal effort. Embrace the allure of nature's captivating magnolia leaves without the worry of wilting or upkeep, and let our fake magnolia leaf garland become a beloved staple in your decor.

  • The long stem is designed to be folded whichever way you need it to go, and back again. It can easily be folded up on itself (and back) to more easily fit into your container, or trimmed entirely with a pair of wire cutters
  • Not designed for outdoor use
  • For details on how your products arrive - See here.
  • For cleaning and care - see here.

Unboxing with Prestige Botanicals

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  • For details of our shipping services by location, see here.
  • For our returns policy, please see here.

Unboxing with Prestige Botanicals

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This is Not a Real Plant
Height: 60 Inches
Weight: 0.88 lbs
Composition: 60% EVA, 20% PVC, 20% Wire.
Real Touch
More about this Stem

This lifelike artificial magnolia leaf garland showcases the lush green leaves with realistic textures, creating a captivating display that exudes elegance and class.

Each magnolia leaf closely replicates the natural beauty of real magnolias, making this garland a great addition to any space. The rich green hues of the leaves creates a refreshing ambiance, infusing your surroundings with a touch of nature's grace.

Versatile and eye-catching, our faux magnolia leaf garland complements various decor styles, from farmhouse and rustic to modern and chic. Whether draped along a mantelpiece, embellishing a tablescape, or adorning a wedding arch, this garland's charm truly elevates any setting.

Our artificial magnolia leaf garland requires no maintenance, and is easy to wipe clean, allowing you to enjoy its everlasting allure with minimal effort. Embrace the allure of nature's captivating magnolia leaves without the worry of wilting or upkeep, and let our fake magnolia leaf garland become a beloved staple in your decor.

Use & Care
  • The long stem is designed to be folded whichever way you need it to go, and back again. It can easily be folded up on itself (and back) to more easily fit into your container, or trimmed entirely with a pair of wire cutters
  • Not designed for outdoor use
  • For details on how your products arrive - See here.
  • For cleaning and care - see here.
Shipping & Return Policy
  • For details of our shipping services by location, see here.
  • For our returns policy, please see here.

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